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Saturday, 14 March 2009


The Halocomplex consists of a speleoclimatic chamber (walls and floor are covered by rock salt) with the addition of a halogenerator. The special salt covering on the walls acts as a buffer for air moisture and helps maintain the environmental aseptic properties.Dry sodium chloride aerosol containing particles of 1-5 um in size is produced in this room by a special nebulizer, the halogenerator, the device which pushes air containing this aerosol into the chamber.The halogenerator has a microprocessor that monitors and maintains the temperature, relative humidity and mass concentration of aerosol in the chamber. In contrast to Speleotherapy, that relies only on the natural salt provided on the walls of the chamber, Halotherapy provides a specified concentration of dry salt aerosol under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity, while regulating the size and speed of the dry sodium aerosol particles. The halocomplex controls and maintains the concentration of highly dispersed aerosol at four pre-set levels (level I to IV), providing a concentration of dry sodium chloride between 1 to 16 mg/m3
Fractions of dry sodium chloride aerosol in the Halochamber(according to the data of optical devices)
Size of particles, um
Fractions (%)
35.4 ± 2.1
61.8 ± 3.3
2.8 ± 0.4
The halogenerator is situated in the interconnecting room and brings a flow of clean, dry air, saturated with highly dispersed particles of sodium chloride into the therapeutic room.
Recommended composition of rock salt for Halotherapy:
Mass (%)
Fe2 O3
Na2 SO4
Water insoluble residuum
Moisture of rock salt
pH of NaCl solution
This environment has stable humidity (relative air humidity 40-60%) and stable air temperature (18-24°C). These parameters create comfortable conditions for patients and promote a stable aerosol environment.A stable hypoallergenic, hypobacterial environment is maintained in the therapeutic room. The assessment of the microbial contamination during a session of Halotherapy proves that 1m3 contains from 90 to 130-200 saprophytic microorganisms (according to WHO standards on air sterility, 1m3 should contain less than 300 microbial bodies). Microflora content returns to its initial level 10-20 minutes after the session is completed.
Generic NameDry saline aerosol inhalation in a microclimate chamber

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