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Saturday, 14 March 2009


Annual meeting, "Interastma", Palanga, Lithuania, May 28-30, 1999



A.V.Chervinskaya, S.l.Konovalov
Clinical Research Respiratory Center, St. Petersburg, Russia

The use of natural physical factors has a great significance in asthma patients' rehabilitation. The atmosphere of salt cave is the main curative factor of the haloaerosol therapy (HT) method.
The controlled air medium with the respirable particles of dry salt aerosol is created in an ordinary room with special equipment. Density of aerosol depends on nosology, clinical features and FEV1 (0,5-1; 1-2; 3-5; 7-9 mg/m3). Other factors are comfortable temperature and humidity, and hypobacterial and allergen-free air medium.

The HT method was sanctioned by the Russian Ministry of Public Health in 1990. To study the efficiency of HT, the data were collected from 15 Russian hospitals (during 1991-1994). We have evaluated the results of HT in 4780 adults and children with various types of pulmonary diseases. HT course consisted of 10-20 daily procedures of 1 hour.

The HT results were assessed by physicians on the basis of clinical symptoms, functional parameters and the dosage of medication dynamics with the use of standard questionnaires.
HT resulted in improvement of clinical state in 85% of mild and moderate asthma cases, 75% of severe asthma cases and 97% of chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis cases. Long-term examination of patients (for one or more years) demonstrated the effect of HT on reduction in the frequency of exacerbations and reduction in chronic symptoms.

Clinical trial published in the Journal of Aerosol Medicine (1995) is attached.

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